Hello! I am Krystal

Certified Hikyoga Instructor | Rochester

“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than one

It does not matter if things are not perfect, our practice is
the time to be alive and free!

Little about me

My journey to yoga started like many others as way to
find balance, healing and nurture a mind/body
connection. The gifts of this practice that I discovered
along the way go beyond anything I could have
imagined back then. These discoveries are what guide
me to share what I have learned with everyone that I can.

I have been practicing yoga since 2015 and teaching
since 2020 after completing my 1 st 200hr teacher
training at Open Sky in Rochester NY. I later went on
to complete a second 200hr training at Tru Yoga/
Yoga 4 a Good Hood, also in Rochester, that included
training in Diversity/Inclusion and Social Justice;
which are topics that that I am passionate about. I am
also an avid meditator, trained in the Kriya Yoga
tradition and I love to share my knowledge and joys of
meditation and breathing techniques in my classes. In
2021 by becoming a certified Hikyoga instructor I was
able to combine my love for the grounding effects of
being in nature with my yoga teaching.

I am excited to share Hikyoga with my students
because of the positivity and sense of connection it
brings to my soul. I am always looking for new ways
to make friends and build community. So let’s practice
and explore together!

Join me on a Hikyoga

I would love for you to join me on a Hikyoga. You can find our events online at the link below. Make sure you signup today!