Hello! I am Donna

Certified Hikyoga Instructor | Rochester

My goal is to give others the opportunity to explore their cities true beauty in the
essence of building connection. A necessary connection in order to smile more,
laugh harder, love deeper; in all hopes to create a train reaction across society.

Little about me

I discovered yoga on my journey towards living a healthier lifestyle. With all
the twist and turns that life can convey, yoga brought a consistency to my day to
day tasks. A consistency that allowed for time devoted to learning more about
myself, a time for healing and time to create constant repetition of positive energy.
It was then that I knew I wanted to teach others to feel all the benefits of yoga
that I do.

I completed my 200-hour yoga certification through breathe studios in
Rochester, NY in 2018. I then there after became a certified Hikyoga Instructor in
May of 2018.

Having the privilege of being able to grow up in the suburbs as well as
on a family owned farm, the outdoors has always been a major part of my life.
Practicing yoga outdoors has given me the opportunity to use all five senses to not
only explore nature, but myself as well, while gaining a greater sense of peace, joy
and community.

I cannot be more excited to help others explore their cities in a new and
deeper self-fulfilling way! Let the adventures begin!

Join me on a Hikyoga

I would love for you to join me on a Hikyoga. You can find our events online at the link below. Make sure you signup today!